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RPEA Chapter 9 Surf City- Santa Cruz has been serving retired public employees since 1958.

We are retired California public employees working together to maintain and improve the quality of the lives of our members by protecting and improving our retirement and medical benefits.

On August 13th we will have an in-person meeting at the Resource Center for Nonviolence
Community Room
612 Ocean St. Santa Cruz (across from the county bldg.)
Doors open at 11 am — Meeting starts at 11:30
Cost $10 guests welcome

Our speaker will be: Dr. Steven Leib, Diplomate in the American College of Family Medicine and Lifestyle Medicine. He will speak on the recent landmark study on Alzheimer's prevention and treatment.

Make your reservation by August 6th
Call Sue Pierce at 408-353-2832 or email sapierce48@gmail.com


Surf-City Santa Cruz RPEA Chapter 9 has been serving retired public employees in Santa Cruz County for more than 50 years. The purpose of this Chapter is to

Promote the betterment and welfare of all retired state, classified school and contracting agency employees, who are receiving benefits from the California Public Employees Retirement system (CalPERS); and

Foster acquaintances, cooperation, harmony and economic well being among its members and thus assist in enjoyment of a healthy, active, interesting and useful life throughout their retirement; and

Promote the welfare of said chapter members in all ways compatible with the public interest, including but not limited to the support of legislation deemed beneficial, and resistance to legislation deemed detrimental to the interest of said Chapter members.